For an update on our project that's creating and saving energy in Wayne County, PA click HERE!
Making the Most of Our Woods

An Educational forum on....

The forum will take place on Tuesday, September 16, at the Damascus Township Community Center, from 7 to 9pm.

The Community Center is at 60 Conklin Hill Road (off 371, near the Cochecton Delaware River Bridge) in Damascus, PA.

This is the third forum in our continuing series of educational events focusing on renewable energy. The program will feature three fascinating speakers discussing the energy potential that lies literally right in our own backyards:
-Robin Wildemuth of Woodland Management Services will discuss the various sources of raw material for wood energy, the different applications for recovering that energy, and associated environmental and economic issues.
-Don Twining of Rock Creek Lumber will talk about his experience integrating a wood pellet manufacturing plant into his sawmill operation.
-Ryan Koch, Coordinator of the USDA Pocono Northeast Natural Resources Conservation District, will discuss the Pennsylvania Fuels for Schools & Beyond program.

There will a question & answer session. Coffee and other refreshments will be served. There will be a free-will offering for this forum. All are welcome.

And keep checking back for information about future educational forums. We have Energy Auditing coming up on October 14; Solar coming up on November 18; and Geothermal coming up on December 16.

In additional to our series of renewable energy educational forums, we are also sponsoring an ongoing series of home and hearth workshops. These workshops are designed in the spirit of self-sufficiency and great local sustainability. The new two are:

-September 27: Seeds Saving
Learn how to save seeds from your own garden! Saving your own seeds not only saves you money and enhances your level of sufficiency, but goes a long way to preserving the rich and vigorous agricultural heritage our region is blessed with. The suggested donation is $20.

-October 4: Fermented Foods
Fermented foods are critical to good health. This workshop is an opportunity to learn more about the significant health benefits of fermented foods (enhanced digestability, increased vitamin capacity, and more) and to learn how to prepare your own fermented foods at home. The suggested donation is $20.

Home and Hearth events take place at Clearwater Acres, Jo Clearwater's organic farm in Damascus, PA. Please call 570-253-0429 or e-mail early to reserve your spot as space is limited. Directions to the farm will be provided upon reservation.

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